Conflicting Views Regarding the Hadiths
N.R.Karimov1, A.X.Doniyorov2
1Karimov Nodir Rakhmonqulovich, PhD Student, The Department of the History and Source Studies of Central Asian People, Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
2Doniyorov Alisher Khudoyberdiyevich, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, The Department of the History and Source Studies of Central Asian People, Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Manuscript received on September 16, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on 24 September, 2019. | Manuscript published on October 10, 2019. | PP: 2090-2094 | Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019. | Retrieval Number: L32861081219/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3286.1081219
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: This article summarizes the studies published in the field of hadith and hadith studies, and gives a brief overview and analyzes the hadith approaches. The paper analyzes evolutionary changes of contradictory views on the development of hadith science in the West, a collection of six reliable sahih hadiths and foreign scholars attitude towards them, as well as the historical significance of hadiths and their importance in the Islamic world. It is known that some hadiths were fabricated for various purposes. We are far from thinking that all hadiths are authentic and correct. However, because of some “fake” hadiths, we oppose the rejection of Islamic sources after Qur’an. Therefore, the essence and contents of many works published in the West must be reanalyzed today. As a practical implementation of the above-mentioned issues, most of the foreign researches on hadith have been studied with using comparative-historical, logical, and descriptive methods in this article. As a novelty of this work, it is possible to present the analysis of new books, articles published abroad. The results show that many western scholars changed their negative views about hadiths to positive side and they are also researching the historical significance of hadiths. In fact, they are studying “al-Kutub al-Sitta” as the main source after Qur’an. According to our conclusions, many studies on the hadiths in the West have been conducted, but there is no mutual comparative analysis on this field. The role and significance of Central Asian scientists have not been studied adequately in the formation of positive opinions on hadith in the West.
Keywords: Hadith, fake Hadith, Qur’an, Prophet, West
Scope of the Article: Artificial Intelligence