An Interrogation of the Factors that Hinder Municipal Leaders from Becoming Transformational Leaders
Amos Muguti1, Chipo Mutongi2, Cainos Chongombe3

1Dr. Amos Muguti, Department of Public Administration, Zimbabwe Open University, Julius Nyerere Way, Harare, (Zimbabwe) Southeast Africa.

2Dr. Chipo Mutongi, Department of Management Sciences, Midlands State University, Harare, (Zimbabwe) Southeast Africa.

3Dr. Cainos Chingombe, Department of Human Capital Management, Women’s University in Africa, Canonbury Junior School, Julius Nyerere Way, Harare, (Zimbabwe) Southeast Africa.  

Manuscript received on 13 August 2024 | Revised Manuscript received on 14 September 2024 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 September 2024 | Manuscript published on 30 September 2024 | PP: 28-38 | Volume-13 Issue-10, September 2024 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.J996913100924 | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J9969.13100924

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Abstract: In municipal governance, the potential for transformational leadership is often stifled by various factors that hinder local leaders from embracing innovative practices and driving meaningful change. This article delves into the key obstacles that impede municipal leaders from evolving into transformational figures who can inspire their communities and foster progressive development hence examined the factors that hinder municipal leaders from becoming transformational leaders with special reference to the City of Harare. The study focused on local authorities due to their impact on the social, economic and political development of the country as they provide core service at a local level. The study population was made up of five hundred (500)people in Council leadership positions and a sample of 60participants was drawn. The findings revealed that autocratic leadership was the most used leadership style. Factors that hinder municipal, leaders to become transformational leaders brought about by the finding included lack of knowledge and qualifications, corruption, bureaucracy, economic challenges, politics at the expense of service delivery and silo mentality. It wasre commended to take a leaf from the Eagle Intelligent Transformation Strategy and propose Muguti’s Diamond Transformational Leadership Model. A functional organisational culture is called for where Ubuntu is practiced.

Keywords: Leaders, Municipal Leaders, Transformational Leadership, Local Authorities
Scope of the Article: Computer Science and Applications