Design and Simulation of Pulse Code Modulation Multiplexing (PCMM) and De-Multiplexing Technique in MATLAB
Fatima Faydhe AL-Azawi1, Zainab Faydh AL-Azawi2, Rafed shaker AL- Fartosy3
1Fatima Faydhe AL-Azawi, B.SC, Department of Electrical and Electronics Communication Engineering, University of Technology Baghdad Iraq.
2Zainab Faydh AL-Azawi, B.SC, Department of Electrical and Electronics Communication Engineering, University of Technology Baghdad Iraq.
3Rafed shaker AL, B.SC, Academy of Engineering, Sarajevo Bosnia’s Repablic University of of Balgrade.
Manuscript received on 11 March 2014 | Revised Manuscript received on 20 March 2014 | Manuscript Published on 30 March 2014 | PP: 5-8 | Volume-3 Issue-10, March 2014 | Retrieval Number: J15090331014/14©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: Pulse Code Modulation Multiplexing PCMM is a part of transmitting multi analog signals through single channel, PCM Can be implanted by passing information signals through Quantizer using MATLAB simulink and recovered (Demultiplexing) the information with the use of multi low pass filters LPF according to each frequency signal that been sent, Auto correlation and cross correlation tests were applied on the multi input signal to improve the inequality and no interference between multi input signal, delay time at the receiver is overcoming by reducing the order of LBFs and using delay block from Simulink library.
Keywords: PCMM, Multiplexing Techniques, PCM With MATLAB, PCMM Simulation.
Scope of the Article: Computer Graphics, Simulation, and Modelling