An IoT based Patient Monitoring System and Temperature Controlling System
Sudha Mercy S1, Sivasubramanian A2, Lokesh G3, Bhuvan B Natesh4, Jerald Vinfrank J5

1Sudha Mercy S, Assistant professor in Computer Science and Engineering in Jeppiaar Institute of Technology(JIT), Sriperumpudur, Chennai, India.
2Sivasubramanian A, Bachelor’s Degree in the Stream of Computer Science and Engineering in Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Sriperumpudur, Chennai, India.
3Lokesh G, Bachelor’s Degree in the Stream of Computer Science and Engineering in Jeppiaar Institute of Technology(JIT), Sriperumpudur, Chennai, India.
4Bhuvan B Natesh, is doing his Bachelor’s Degree in the stream of Computer science and Engineering in Jeppiaar Institute of Technology(JIT), Sriperumpudur, Chennai, India.
5Jerald Vinfrank J, Bachelor’s Degree in the Stream of Computer Science and Engineering in Jeppiaar Institute of Technology(JIT), Sriperumpudur, Chennai, India.
Manuscript received on April 20, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on April 30, 2020. | Manuscript published on May 10, 2020. | PP: 1172-1175 | Volume-9 Issue-7, May 2020. | Retrieval Number: F4336049620/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.F4336.059720
Open Access | Ethics and Policies | Cite | Mendeley
© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: Many tasks are being automated in various places like factories, hospitals and homes as India moves towards smarter cities. Thus, Patient Monitoring and Temperature Controlling System is a process of monitoring heart beats per minute (using a Pulse Sensor) and body temperature of the patient and as well as an automated operation to control the temperature of the room by opening and closing windows in houses, factories, schools, hospitals, etc. IoT to monitor the heartbeat, body temperature and temperature of the closed environment continuously will be used by this Prototype and adjust the temperature of that closed Environment by opening or closing the window accordingly. This process can also be controlled manually by using a mobile application to open or close the window from anywhere. We can easily retrieve the temperature of a closed environment from anywhere as the data is gathered and uploaded to a server. Appliances like air conditioning, fan, etc. will automatically start operating to adjust the room temperature for their needs if both the temperatures (inside & outside the room) are not suitable for the patient. Thus, this project will help us to control the temperature level in a closed environment(room) and we can do this without the help of manpower. 
Keywords: Heartbeat monitor, IoT, Pulse Sensor, Sensing and Monitoring, Temperature and Humidity Sensor.
Scope of the Article: Service Level Agreements (Drafting, Negotiation, Monitoring and Management)