
Development and Analysis of Speed Control of BLDC Motor with Arduino Controller
Shivakumar G Nayak1, Ashwini Patil2, Gurubai Gadagenavar3

1Shivakumar G Nayak*, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics, Basaveshwara Engineering College, Bagalkot (Karnataka), India.
2Ashwini Patil, Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics, Basaveshwara Engineering College Bagalkot (Karnataka), India. 
3Gurubai Gadagenavar, Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics, Basaveshwara Engineering College, Bagalkot (Karnataka), India 
Manuscript received on March 04, 2022. | Revised Manuscript received on March 10, 2022. | Manuscript published on March 30, 2022. | PP: 63-66 | Volume-11, Issue-4, March 2022 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.C98130311422 | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.C9813.0311422
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Abstract: In the existing situation, DC motor calls for a frequent upkeep and need a mechanical commutator and brushes, that are concern to put on and tear. In the prevailing case Brushless Direct Current motor are extensively used in some of the industries because of its low cost, noise less operation, high speed torque characteristics, Speed controlling is very essential. Hence BLDC motor is preferred to control the speed. The manipulate of BLDC motor could be very essential by way of the use of the Arduino board interfaced with the Electronic Speed Controller, Motor speed can be controlled with the aid of varying the potentiometer. The parameters like Speed and Voltage are monitored on the LCD display. This paper presents the technique to Develop and examine the speed control of BLDC motor by using the use of Arduino. In this approach appropriate controlling method has been recognized and adopted from literature survey. Comparing all controllers, the Arduino and ESC are selected. Commutation of a BLDC motor is managed by way of electronic speed controller and Arduino board is loaded with program written in embedded C language. By varying the potentiometer Arduino generates the PWM waves and depending at the pulse width modulation technique, ESC will force the motor to rotate. Hardware assembly of proposed system and results are obtained. 
Keywords: Electronic Speed Controller, Commutator, BLDC Motor
Scope of the Article: Arduino Controller