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Application of Restoration Indices for the Automatic Generation Control in a Restructured Power System
R. Thirunavukarasu1, I. A. Chidambaram2

1R.Thirunavukarasu, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar (Tamil Nadu), India.
2I.A. Chidambaram, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar (Tamil Nadu), India.
Manuscript received on 17 August 2015 | Revised Manuscript received on 25 August 2015 | Manuscript Published on 30 August 2015 | PP: 29-42 | Volume-5 Issue-3, August 2015 | Retrieval Number: C2179085315/15©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: The nature of power system restoration problem involves status assessment, optimization of generation capability and load pickup. Quick system restoration is of prime importance not only based on the time of restoration and also stability limits also play a very vital role in power system restoration problems due to unexpected load variations in power systems. To achieve a faster restoration process, installing new black start generators, network reconfigurations and load recovery can be beneficial in accelerating system restoration. This paper proposes evaluation of Power System Restoration Indices (PSRI) based on the Automatic Generation Control (AGC) assessment of interconnected power system in a restructured environment. The PSRI are useful for system planners to prepare the power system restoration plans to improve the efficiency of the physical operation of the power system and to increase the transmission capacity in the network. A specific restoration strategy can be synthesized by a combination of the milestones and actions based on the actual system conditions. In this study, AGC with two-area two-unit interconnected two types of test systems such as allthermal units and thermal-hydro mixed units under deregulated environment have been investigated. The control parameters of Proportional-Integral (PI) gains of AGC loop are optimized through Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) algorithm in order to achieve the optimal transient response of the system under different Poolco and bilateral transaction in restructured electricity market. From the simulated results it is observed that all-thermal unit test system indicates that more sophisticated control for a better restoration of the power system output responses and to ensure improved PSRI in order to provide reduce the restoration time, thereby improving the system reliability. In hydro test system, the non-minimum phase characteristic of hydro turbine shows an opposite initial power surge results in heavy frequency oscillations and the system is unable to regain its stable state than thermal generating unit.
Keywords: Automatic Generation Control, Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm, Proportional-Integral Controller, Power System Restoration Indices, Restructured Power System.

Scope of the Article: Robotics and Control