
The Effect of Silver and Zinc Nanoparticles on The Structural Characteristics of Bacterial Cells
Petr Albinovich Krasochko1, Dmitry Sergeevich Borisovets2, Rudolf Borisovich Korochkin3, Pavel Petrovich Krasochko4, Oleg Yurevich Chernykh5, Andrey Georgievich Koshchaev6, Sergey Viktorovich Shabunin7

1Petr Albinovich Krasochko*, Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine S.N. Vysheleskogo, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
2Dmitry Sergeevich Borisovets, Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine S.N. Vysheleskogo, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
3Rudolf Borisovich Korochkin, Vitebsk Order “Badge of Honor” State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus.
4Pavel Petrovich Krasochko, Vitebsk Order “Badge of Honor” State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus.
5Oleg Yurevich Chernykh, Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Russia.
6Andrey Georgievich Koshchaev, Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Russia.
7Sergey Viktorovich Shabunin, Russian research veterinary institute of pathology, pharmacology and therapy, Voronezh, Russia.

Manuscript received on October 12, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on 22 October, 2019. | Manuscript published on November 10, 2019. | PP: 3783-3789 | Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019. | Retrieval Number: A4828119119/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4828.119119
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Abstract: The paper presents the results of studying the influence of nanoparticles of silver and zinc on the culture of Madin-Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK) and bacterial cells of E. coli at various dilution rates and various incubation times. The interaction of MDBK cells with the nanoparticles of zinc has a strong deleterious effect on the cells and causes morphological changes in them. At the same time, no toxic effects were observed after the interaction of silver nanoparticles and the cells. During incubation of E. coli bacterial cells with zinc nanoparticles, not only changes in the morphology of the cell membrane surface but also the destruction of bacterial cells were observed. During incubation with silver nanoparticles at various dilution rates for various times, changes in the cell shape from rod-shaped to rounded, without symptoms of destruction were noted.
Keywords: Silver Nanoparticles, Zinc Nanoparticles, Mdbk, Escherichia Coli, Incubation, Atomic Force Microscopy, Damaging Effect.
Scope of the Article: Bio-Science and Bio-Technology