Green Construction and other Sustainability Trends
Cinta Joseph Choondal

Cinta Joseph Choondal, Department of Civil Engineering, Thejus Engineering College, Thrissur (Kerala), India.

Manuscript received on 30 June 2020 | Revised Manuscript received on 07 July 2020 | Manuscript Published on 11 August 2020 | PP: 26-29 | Volume-9 Issue-9S July 2020 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.I10050799S20| DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I1005.0799S20

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Abstract: Sustainable development is a hot topic in today’s world since it could help us to meet the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. As a civil engineering student, to meet our needs, we must be willing to learn and adapt and to continue to do so in the future. For example, infrastructures for changing climate, and earthquake and flood resistant buildings. It is our responsibility to be innovative in our practices and find solutions for the issues that our planet faces. Green material plays a key role in sustainable development. They are the local and renewable materials that are used to construct energy efficient structures. Green buildings are not just about little more efficiency. But it creates less waste and greenhouse gases and supports clean environment and healthy living. Materials, energy, water and health are the key elements of green building. This paper is a review on green materials and green construction and its importance in growing sustainability trends. It is a question that disturbs minds of civil engineers around the world that how could construction industry bother sustainability. Construction industry, from energy usage to emissions, by its very nature is a large user of natural resources. Besides having potential for building over wild habitats, it also has larger environmental impact. It uses fossil fuels for its heavy machinery. World’s 36% energy usage and 40% CO2 emissions are solely from construction industry. Thus, this industry is under pressure to decrease its environmental impact. So, usage of renewable and recyclable resources, and reducing energy consumption and waste should be the major goals of this industry which could fulfil the idea of green construction. It should also adhere to the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility- the idea that business should support good causes.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Green Building, Sustainability Development, Sustainability Trends.
Scope of the Article: Construction Engineering