Behavior of Asphalt Pavement Structure Under Influenced of Alteration Climatic Condition
Huseyin Gokcekus1, Youssef Kassem2, Muhammad Kh. Musa3

1Gokcekus, Professor, Civil Engineering Department/ Near East University/ North Cyprus, Nicosia, Via Mersin 10, Turkey.
2Youssef Kassem,Assist. Professor, Civil Engineering Department/ Near East University/ North Cyprus, Nicosia, Via Mersin 10, Turkey.
3Muhammad Kh. Musa,Ph.D. Students, Civil Engineering Department/ Near East University/ North Cyprus, Nicosia, Via Mersin 10, Turkey
Manuscript received on 02 June 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 10 June 2019 | Manuscript published on 30 June 2019 | PP: 3199-3206 | Volume-8 Issue-8, June 2019 | Retrieval Number: H7094068819/19©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: The permanence and serviceability of asphalt is defined mainly by its degradation overtime which is influenced by the climatic change that can vary the surrounding ambience, lead to that increase the rate of damaging steps that will act on the durability and safety of pavement in many locations.Alteration of Climate in largely range acts on the environment. Variation in precipitation schema is may led to drastic water deficiency and/or inundation. Weather conditions have often offered jeopardy to the pavement status, and it is considered as major reasons of of degradation. The amount of vulnerability of asphalt pavement to meteorological status is related to agents like as pavement category and condition, geology, vicinity to water direction and flow of traffic. This instruction recognizes how weather condition, degree of temperature and water influence in the various kinds of road pavement such as: rigid, asphalt bituminous and modular pavements. The efficacy of weather alteration on the pavement damage cannot be neglected, and it can be considered during pavement design. Presenting pavement structures, that considered the effect climatic alteration during design has more resistance for disintegrate and damaging than the types not considered.
Keyword: Climatic change, Flexible pavement, Temperature.
Scope of the Article: Sustainable Structures.