Conceptual Innovation Design at Riga Building College, Latvia
Krista Svike1, Sandra Laimovna2

1Krista Svike, Master of Science Engineering, Architecture and Design, Aalborg University, Danija.
2Sandra Laimonovna, Associate Professor, Engineer, Deputy Director, Riga Building College, Latvia.
Manuscript received on 17 August 2015 | Revised Manuscript received on 25 August 2015 | Manuscript Published on 30 August 2015 | PP: 70-74 | Volume-5 Issue-3, August 2015 | Retrieval Number: C2158085315/15©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: Conceptual innovation design is a way for developing of competitiveness in architecture projects. Hereby, the formulation of requirements according to the design task is of essential importance [5], whereas these requirements should be met in accordance with the international level in the given area. The objective characteristics of shape and the means for its aesthetic organization are highly connected with contemporary innovative technologies. For instance, photovoltaic modules are hung on walls in a metrical order, wind turbines with their shape and dimensions actively participate in the formation of buildings. The principles of creation of form are greatly interconnected with innovations, while leaving their mark on the architecture image of buildings. All this is of high importance as well in the design of high and mega-high buildings where shape, function, construction, building technology, ecology and many other factors are indivisibly connected and determine contemporary architecture image. For example, the design of transportation systems in skyscrapers in cities with millions of inhabitants is a crucially important factor – here what matters is to reach a given point using the fastest way possible with the minimal loss of energy and time. In connection with the above-mentioned situation, at Riga Building College has been developed a project focusing on conceptual innovation design of panoramic elevators for serving high and mega-high structures – Super skyscrapers Competition № 100001360. This project, developed by Jurijs Eisaks, a second-year student at the College, has been supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. arch. Liudmila Aleksandrovaand Prof. Dr. arch. Yanko Aleksandrov from the University of Structural Engineering & Architecture, Sofia, Bulgaria according to a “Erasmus +” cooperation contract [3, 4].
Keywords: Conceptual Innovation Design, Sections, Geometric Shapes, Orientation, Different Angles.

Scope of the Article: Building Energy