Minimizing Transmission Energy of Wireless Sensor Network
Birtukan Adamu Birawo
Birtukan Admau Birawo*, Department of Electrical Engineering, Asosa University, Asosa, Ethiopia.
Manuscript received on August 09, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on August 29, 2020. | Manuscript published on September 10, 2020. | PP: 245-250 | Volume-9 Issue-11, September 2020 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.K77750991120 | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K7775.0991120
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Abstract: Recent advances in electronics and wireless telecommunications provide the opportunity to design and manufacture wireless sensors with low power consumption, small size, appropriate price and various applications. These small sensors which are capable of sensing environmental data, processing and transmitting information have led to a novel idea for developing networks called wireless sensor networks (WSNs). WSNs are contains a various number of tiny small-cost, resource limited and limited energy devices that can sense, compute, store, and transmit data of surrounding environment with limited capabilities across the network to the base station. But these resource and battery limitations have direct effect on the life span of wireless sensor networks. So, authors aim to minimize the transmission energy of the network through minimizing the communication distance between each sensor nodes of the network. They proposed to improve Multi-Hop LEACH routing protocol. The network in the proposed work incorporates homogeneous types of sensors nodes randomly deployed in different portion of an environment to gather data about the environment that they are deployed. The sensors are organized in cluster-based structure to sense the different physical parameters of the environment and route the readings to a BS for visualization and data management purpose. The proposed work improved the existing routing protocol which is Multi-Hop LEACH cluster-based routing protocol by integrating the communication way of existing appropriate routing protocols. Such as: Minimum Transmission Energy and Multi-Hop LEACH cluster-based routing protocol for WSN. Authors have implemented the proposed routing protocol for WSN and the performance is evaluated using MATLAB simulation tool. Finally, Researchers present numerical results that validate the feasibility of the proposed technique. The proposed protocol achieves significant improvement in terms of network lifetime and provides improved performance energy efficiency for WSN.
Keywords: Wireless sensor network, Routing protocols, Communication Protocols, Transmission energy, Energy Consumption.
Scope of the Article: Wireless Sensor Network