Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship Operation near Small Traditional Wooden and Fishing Boat
Diaz Saputra1, Haryono Soeparno2, Togar Alam Napitupulu3
1Diaz Saputra*, Doctorate of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
2Haryono Soeparno, Department of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
3Togar Alam Napitupulu, Department of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Manuscript received on September 03, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on September 18, 2020. | Manuscript published on October 10, 2020. | PP: 113-121 | Volume-9 Issue-12, October 2020 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.K78540991120 | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K7854.1091220
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Abstract: The advancement of IoT and the dream of having transportation mode where there is no human presence on board comes true. We have proceedin to the stage where artificial intelligence (AI) technology brings efficiencies in almost all sectors. Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship (MASS) is available now and soon it is expected to be a marine mode of transportation that can sail all over the world. It may visit a place where there is so much difference in culture and custom with the place where it built. While there are several ships with difference of technology used, meet on the same layer of sea surface at the same time. The difficulties in interacting for those type of ships with different technology may exist. The worst condition is that collision accident may occur if one could not detect the presence of other. Present technology of radar detection is still having weakness of detecting small wooden boat. Especially during bad weather and rough seas. The nature of fishing boat fleet where mostly stay still in the middle of ocean during fishing period, might bring the risk of collision if they are not detected properly by the passing MASS. This paper is highlighting the risk of collision between these type of vessels, the options to prevent the risk of collision accidentthat can be implemented both for MASS and Small Traditional Wooden and Fishing Boatare proposed. There are several models that can be used to solve that problem with pros and cons of each option. At the end of the paper, it will be proposed the most effective and efficient method that can be used to prevent such accident.
Keywords: Autonomous ship, Small wooden boat, Detection, Risk of collision.
Scope of the article: Autonomous Robots