Improvements of the Bandwidth and Radiation Characteristics of a 5G Mobile Communications Microstrip Antenna with a Novel Wedge Shaped Substrate Design
Mouhamad S Abou Chahine1, Mohamad Arnaout2, Fatma Tangour3, Mohamad-Youssef Abu Shahine4

1Mouhamad S Abou Chahine, LR2E Laboratory, ECAM-EPMI School of Engineering, Cergy, France.

2Mohamad Arnaout, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, International University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon.

3Fatma Tangour, LR2E Laboratory, ECAM-EPMI School of Engineering, Cergy, France.

4Mohamad-Youssef Abu Shahine, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, International University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. 

Manuscript received on 06 June 2024 | Revised Manuscript received on 17 June 2024 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 July 2024 | Manuscript published on 30 July 2024 | PP: 1-7 | Volume-13 Issue-8, July 2024 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.H991613080724 | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.H9916.13080724

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Abstract: In this study, a new approach for the design of microstrip antenna is proposed. The resonant frequency of the proposed antenna is 3.55 GHz allowing it to operate in the mobile network current 5G band (the mid band). The design approach is based on a wedge shaped substrate having relative low thickness at the level of the feed line and a higher thickness at the level of the radiating patch. The FR4 wedge substrate based design of 6 mm linear slope enhance the radiation by 9% and the bandwidth by 10.3 % while degrading the return loss by 2.3 dB with respect to a standard box substrate based antenna design of the same dimensions. To remedy the degradation in terms of S11, the rectangular inset feed line is replaced by a trapezium one which re-enhance the return loss by 3.4 dB and then making it better than the original one.

Keywords: Bandwidth, Directivity, Inset Fed, Microstrip Antenna, Wedge Substrate, 5G Mobile Communication.
Scope of the Article: Electrical and Electronics