The Chronographic Protocol: Validation of Textures and Colors
Adel Francis1, Fabian Ardila2
1Prof. Adel Francis, Construction Engineering Department, École de Technologies superior, Quebec University, Montreal, Canada.
2Fabian Ardila, Construction Engineering Département, École de Technologie supérieure, Quebec Université, Montréal, Canada.
Manuscript received on 08 December 2015 | Revised Manuscript received on 16 December 2015 | Manuscript Published on 30 December 2015 | PP: 36-43 | Volume-5 Issue-7, December 2015 | Retrieval Number: J22770351016/2015©BEIESP
Open Access | Editorial and Publishing Policies | Cite | Mendeley | Indexing and Abstracting
© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: Graphical modelling is considered to be a suitable approach for displaying project data because of its ability to communicate information clearly and effectively. Despite this fact, little research has been undertaken in this area with regards to the construction sector, and current methods and software do not propose standard graphical protocols. Therefore, it has been up to each planner to individually set his or her own standard. To addresses these shortcomings, the Chronographical modelling proposes a standard protocol. This paper presents the validation of the first phase of this standard protocol for construction project scheduling. This phase proposes two ranges of light and dark colors and a graphical convention for textures and shapes. The validation process was performed through a case study that evaluates the texture convention and color limits followed by the application of the proposed graphical convention to a building scheduling. These validations were performed through case studies that evaluated the visual data and assessed the necessary mental effort for finding information on the schedule. The results demonstrate clearly that the proposed convention helps to improve the visual clarity while simultaneously seeking to diminish the mental effort necessary for finding information.
Keywords: Chronographically, Construction Project, Protocol, Schedule.
Scope of the Article: Construction Engineering