Adhesion of Mineral Binders with Organic Aggregates
Kamilov Khabibilla1, Tulaganov Abdukabil2

1Kamilov Khabibilla*, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tashkent Institute of Architecture, Tashkent. Uzbekistan.
2Tulaganov Abdukabil, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tashkent Institute of Architecture, Tashkent. Uzbekistan.
Manuscript received on January 15, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on January 28, 2020. | Manuscript published on February 10, 2020. | PP: 2699-2702 | Volume-9 Issue-4, February 2020. | Retrieval Number: D1886029420/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1886.029420
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: The article presents the results of studies of the adhesion properties of organic aggregates such as rice husks, cotton stalks, kenaf core and pine shavings with mineral binders Portland cement, gypsum and alkaline activated binder. It was shown that adhesion between the organic aggregate and mineral binders depends not only on the type of binder, but also on the type of organic aggregate and its surface structure 
Keywords:  Cotton Stalks, Rice Husk, Kenaf Core, Adhesion, Mineral Binder, Alkaline Activated Binder, Portland Cement.
Scope of the Article: Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering